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Treasure Island, FL

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Get your bling on…jewelry shopping!

Jul 11, 2017Uncategorized

Local expert weighs in on finding a reputable Jeweler  

By: Beverly J. Diny – Owner of Diny’s Jewelers, Treasure Island Florida

There is an old saying I grew up with: “If you don’t know jewelry, know your jeweler.” Those words are pretty revealing if you take the time to think about it. The depth of knowledge, the life experience, the care and trust your jeweler can provide you with are priceless. To start, I recommend you ask yourself these three questions: How important is the long term value of my purchase? What is the experience and lifetime story I want to create in my jewelry? Will it be taken care of in the long run?

When it comes to all the choices we have today in selection and service, these are the things to consider when choosing where to shop. Think about what jewelry is, and why you wear it. Jewelry is adornment, adornment is love; self-love or giving the gift of love is the action of adornment. The purchase of jewelry is an in-depth and emotional decision. After having a lifetime of experience serving three generations, I say that jewelry is the signature to your soul. It is an expression of what we as human beings cannot put into words. Jewelry carries symbolism, and expresses thoughts and feeling without words. Jewelry expresses that you care and believe in yourself, your future, and your loved ones. Jewelry marks a moment in time: a new baby, graduation, your first date, your engagement, you wedding day, birthdays and anniversaries, or a reward for a job well done. This is the abstract but if you find the right jeweler, you can also be confident in your purchase as an investment. A knowledgeable professional can help in selection, provide long term value assessments, assist you in insurance needs, and service your investment in the future.

There is a lot to consider when looking for a jeweler who can meet your needs. Whether at home or on vacation, get to know your jeweler as you would any other professional service provider. Choose an established jeweler who can be of service years after your purchase and find a jeweler who matches who you are in your values. Try to find someone knowledgeable, someone experienced, someone you trust, someone you know will take care of you, and you’ll have a happier experience for it. Happy shopping!


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