13600 Icot Blvd Clearwater
FL 33760
Welcome to the Pinellas Farmers and Flea Market
FARMERS MARKET: Are you looking for the freshest produce, direct from the farm? . Indoor plants are nice to help reduce your carbon footprint when it comes to buying food? If the answer is yes, you’re looking for a farmers market. Here in Clearwater, that means you want Pinellas Farmers and Flea Market. We have a wide range of locally grown fresh fruit, vegetables, and other locally-produced foods available.
FLEA MARKET: We have over 200 flea vendors that offer variety of find arts & crafts, antique collections, and household products and watch repair services while you shop.
FOOD COURT: Food Court offer variety hot and cold foods such as Hmong food, papa salad, Vietnamese noddle soup (Pho), BBQ, Thai-Lao foods, Sugar cane drink, Fried banana, Mexican food, Filipino food, Hotdog cart, Kettle Korn plus Kona Ice, water and Soda. Chick-fil-A cart coming soon.
Morning trying to find out how to become a vendor?
Good morning, the below link will take you to vendor information for the Pinellas Farmers and Flea Market. Please be sure to mention that the Pinellas Beaches Chamber sent you! Thank you and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions.